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Trofeo Series Season 2022/2023 Prize Giving and AGM

When: 29th July 2023 at 2pm.

Where: Ray White,

Pompallier Centre

1-3 Cowan Street


The Trofeo Series is a drivers series, want to be more involved in? Join the committee.

Nominations: Can be made by completing this form and sending it in.

Not happy about the current series rules? Or have a suggestion for how to make the racing more accessible or more fun? Submit a remit.

Remits: Can be made by completing this form and sending it in.

We will vote on any nominations and remits at the AGM. Don't worry if you can't attend in person. You can give your proxy to another member for them to vote on your behalf.

Please contact me at if you have any special needs or other suggestions.Manfeild provided the final round of racing needed to complete the 2022/2023 Season. What a round it was! With Alfas and Fiats from around the North Island converging on Fielding for some high speed thrills followed by some evening antics. While I did not make the trip down myself I enjoyed watching the close racing between both series and non-series drivers. Both Eddie and Brett provided some spectacular in car footage which can be seen on Trofeo TV. Great to see more of the cars that don't get to compete each round.


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